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Le Voyage Dans La Lune (A Trip to the Moon) 1902

Welcome back Classic Café Visitors!

I hope you had a wonderful and enjoyable summer.

This month’s Movie in the Public Domain is the silent sci fi, adventure film “Le Voyage Dans La Lune” (A Trip to the Moon). Premiering on September 1, 1902, this French short (12 minutes) is about a group of astronomers who go on an expedition to the moon. While there, they explore its surface, soon encountering its underground lunar inhabitants.

Directed by George Melies, the story was loosely based on Jales Verne’s 1865 novel “From the Earth to the Moon” and its 1870 sequel “Around the Moon”. It is also believed that the H.G. Wells' novel “The First Men in the Moon” was used as inspiration.

A success in France on its release, Melies had plans to release it in the United States, hoping to make a big profit. Unfortunately for him, Thomas Edison’s film technicians secretly made copies of the film. It was shown across the US within weeks. Edison made a fortune. Melies never made a dime in the Americas and went broke years later.

Le Voyage Dans La Lune (A Trip to the Moon) is one of the earliest known science fiction pictures and remains Melies best known film. The ship landing in the moon’s eye is one of the most iconic scenes in cinema history. This film is definitely one to see before you meet your maker.

So, if you are ready for entertaining and interesting classic visuals, plop down on the couch with the beverage of your choice and click on the television. “Le Voyage Dans La Lune” (A Trip to the Moon) can be viewed on YouTube for free.


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